1) 연세대학생이 복수학위를 위한 총 이수 학점: 50학점(연세대 30학점+치바대 20학점)
학기 | 등록학교 | 구분 | 수강과목*과목별학점 | 총 수강학점 | 비고 |
1학기 | 연세대 | 정규 | 4과목*3학점 | 12 |
방학집중학기 1과목 포함 |
2학기 | 연세대 | 정규 | 4과목*3학점 | 12 |
방학집중학기 1과목 포함 |
3학기 | 치바대 | 정규 | 4과목*2학점 | 8 |
방학집중학기 1과목 포함 |
4학기 | 치바대 | 치바대 논문 | 10학점 | 10 | 치바대 논문심사 |
정규 | 1과목*2학점 | 2 |
방학집중학기 1과목 포함 |
5학기 | 연세대 | 연세대 논문 | 2과목*3학점 | 6 | 연세대 논문심사 |
합계 | 50 |
+상호인정학점 10 =총 이수학점 60 |
2) 치바대학생이 복수학위를 위한 총 이수 학점: 45학점(치바대 30학점+연세대 15학점)
학기 | 등록학교 | 구분 | 수강과목*과목별학점 | 총 수강학점 | 비고 |
1학기 | 치바대 | 정규 | 5과목*2학점 | 10 |
방학집중학기 1과목 포함 |
2학기 |
치바대 |
정규 |
5과목*2학점 |
10 |
방학집중학기 1과목 포함 |
3학기 | 연세대 | 정규 | 4과목*3학점 | 12 |
방학집중학기 1과목 포함 |
4학기 | 연세대 | 연세대 논문 | 0학점 | 0 |
연구계획서 입력 연구지도 수강 연세대 논문심사 |
정규 | 1과목*3학점 | 3 |
방학집중학기 1과목 포함 |
5학기 | 치바대 | 치바대 논문 | 10학점 | 10 | 치바대 논문심사 |
합계 | 45 |
+상호인정학점 15 =총 이수학점 60 |
- 상호인정과목은 상대교에서 인정받을 수 있는 학점의 과목 리스트로, 학생이 소속교에서 수강한 상호인정과목을
상대교 개설 교과목을 수강한 것으로 학점을 인정함.
(연세대 상호인정과목은 연세대 개설 교과목으로 운영할 예정임. 하단 상호인정과목 목록* 참조)
- 연세대와 치바대는 5과목에 해당하는 학점을 상호인정함. (연세대: 15학점, 치바대:10학점)
- 치바대 학생은 치바대 정규학기동안 상호인정과목 목록에서 5과목을 수강해야 연세대에서 15학점을 인정받을 수 있음.
- 연세대 학생은 연세대 정규학기동안 상호인정과목 목록에서 5과목을 수강해야 치바대에서 10학점을 인정받을 수 있음.
※ 방학 집중강의는 양교에서 번갈아 운영하며, 8월과 2월 각 2주간(월~금) 하루 4~5시간 수업운영 (과목당 총 48시간)
※ 치바대 논문학점인 10학점은 실제 수업이 운영되지 않음.
※ 추가학기가 필요할 경우 원소속교에 등록함.
※ 4학기 또는 추가학기는 양교에 모두 등록할 수 있음.
※ Outbound 학생은 대학원 스케쥴에 따라 교무처에 통보해야함.
※ Inbound 학생은 D2비자를 발급받을 시 최대 2년까지 체류할 수 있음.
※ 체류학생은 최소 2학기 등록을 해야하며, 등록금은 고지장학 처리를 해야함.
※ 방학집중강의는 학생이 소속한 학과에 미리 개설되어야함.
※ 졸업사정 시기를 고려하여 4학기 방학 집중강의 성적처리를 해야함. (4학기 졸업시기에 어려움이 생길 수 있음.)
■ 상호인정과목 목록
1) 상호인정과목 목록은 양교의 유사한 전공과목을 매칭하여 이 과목들을 수강한 경우
양교 학생들에게 전공과목 수강인정을 해 주는 과목 리스트임.
2) 교환가능한 학점 수는 하단의 표와 같이 6학점 그룹 3개, 3학점 그룹 3개, 1학점 그룹 1개의 공통과목에 한함.
3) 연세대 학생은 상호인정과목 중 10학점을 연세대에서 이수하면, 치바대학교에서 10학점(치바대 5과목)을 인정받을 수 있음.
4) 치바대 학생은 상호인정과목 중 15학점을 치바대에서 이수하면, 연세대학교에서 15학점(연세대 5과목)을 인정받을 수 있음.
5) 졸업연구 학점: 치바대의 경우 졸업연구 과목에 학점이 부여됨.
Yonsei University | Chiba University | ||||
Course No. | Course Title | Credit | Course No. | Course Title | Credit |
PID7999 | Directed Research 1 | 0 | - | Advanced Seminar Ⅰ | 4 |
VID7999 | Directed Research 1 | 0 | |||
DBA7999 | Directed Research 1 | 0 | |||
PID9999 | Directed Research 2 | 0 | - | Graduate Research Ⅰ | 6 |
VID9999 | Directed Research 2 | 0 | |||
DBA7999 | Directed Research 1 | 0 | |||
PID5201 | System Design Engineering | 3 | - | Design Engineering | 2 |
- | Design Engineering Studio Work |
2 |
PID5202 | Design System Methodology | 3 | - | Design Planning | 2 |
VID5002 | Service Design Research | 3 | - | Service Design | 2 |
- | Service Design Studio Work |
2 |
VID7003 | Design & Media | 3 | - | Analysis of Media Design | 2 |
DBA6003 | Design Management Case Study | 3 | - | Design Culture | 2 |
- | Design Management 1 |
1 |
신규개설 | Introduction to Campus Asia | 1 | - |
Introduction to Campus Asia |
2 |
신규개설 |
International Design Workshop 1 (방학 집중강의) |
3 | - | Global Design Studio Work 5 |
2 |
- | Global Design Studio Work 6 |
2 |
신규개설 |
International Design Workshop 2 (방학 집중강의) |
3 |
- |
Global Design Project 5 |
2 |
신규개설 |
International Design Workshop 3 (방학 집중강의) |
3 |
- | Global Design Project 6 |
2 |
- | Workshop Class 1 |
2 |
신규개설 |
International Design Workshop 4 (방학 집중강의) |
3 |
- | Design Alliance Program 3 |
2 |
- |
Workshop Class 2 |
1 |
■ 입학절차
1) 양교 지원자는 최소 1년 (석사과정 2학기) 이상 소속교에서 수학해야함.
2) 소속교에서 선발 후 상대교에 통보 및 상대교 승인 순서로 진행함.
■ 복수학위 선발학생 및 학사관리
연세대 학생 파견: 다음학기 파견예정자 파악을 위해 복수학위 신청을 원하는 학생은
석사과정 2학기 진입 2개월 전 대학원에 통보되어야 함. 1월말(1학기), 7월말(2학기)
■ 복수학위 논문제출
1) 석사학위 취득을 위해서는 양교에 각각 논문을 제출하고 심사를 받아야 함
2) 상대교 제출논문은 영어 혹은 일본어
■ Participating Universities
1. Division of Design & Art, Yonsei University, Korea
2. Department of Design, Chiba University, Japan
■ Number of Participants : Up to 2 Master’s degree candidate students (per semester)
■ Admission
- Student candidates for this Program shall be initially selected by the home university and then presented to the host university for review and approval for admission.
- Each student candidate must have completed at least one year full-time study at home university at the time of enrollment in the host university.
■ Period of Residency
At least ONE semester + Workshops (during summer and winter vacation)
■ Tuition
Program student will pay regular tuition and academic fees to the Home University.
■ Thesis Evaluation
Students in the program write two different Master’s theses in English (or in native language of the host university) and submit it to both university respectively. The thesis will be evaluated independently according to each party’s relevant rules and regulations.
■ Degree Requirement
- Yonsei University : A program student is required to pass comprehensive exam.
- Chiba University : A program student is required to pass comprehensive exam.
■ Degree
- Yonsei University : M.S. in Industrial Design / M.S. in Visual Communication Design / M.S. in Design Management
- Chiba University : M.E. in Design / M.A. in Design
■ Exchange Courses
- A maximum of 15 credits obtained at Chiba University may be transferred to fulfill the course credit requirements at Yonsei University.
- A maximum of 10 credits obtained at Yonsei University may be transferred to fulfill the Master’s course credit requirements at Chiba University.
Yonsei University | Chiba University | ||||
Course No. | Course Title | Credit | Course No. | Course Title | Credit |
PID7999 | Directed Research 1 | 0 | - | Advanced Seminar Ⅰ | 4 |
VID7999 | Directed Research 1 | 0 | |||
DBA7999 | Directed Research 1 | 0 | |||
PID9999 | Directed Research 2 | 0 | - | Graduate Research Ⅰ | 6 |
VID9999 | Directed Research 2 | 0 | |||
DBA7999 | Directed Research 1 | 0 | |||
PID5201 | System Design Engineering | 3 | - | Design Engineering | 2 |
- | Design Engineering Studio Work |
2 |
PID5202 | Design System Methodology | 3 | - | Design Planning | 2 |
VID5002 | Service Design Research | 3 | - | Service Design | 2 |
- | Service Design Studio Work |
2 |
VID7003 | Design & Media | 3 | - | Analysis of Media Design | 2 |
DBA6003 | Design Management Case Study | 3 | - | Design Culture | 2 |
- | Design Management 1 |
1 |
- | Introduction to Campus Asia | 1 | - |
Introduction to Campus Asia |
2 |
- | International Design Workshop 1 | 3 | - | Global Design Studio Work 5 |
2 |
- | Global Design Studio Work 6 |
2 |
- | International Design Workshop 2 |
3 |
- |
Global Design Project 5 |
2 |
- | International Design Workshop 3 |
3 |
- | Global Design Project 6 |
2 |
- | Workshop Class 1 |
2 |
- | International Design Workshop 4 |
3 |
- | Design Alliance Program 3 |
2 |
- |
Workshop Class 2 |
1 |
■ Participating Universities
1. Division of Design & Art, Yonsei University, Korea
2. Department of Design, Chiba University, Japan
3. International Design Institute, Zhejiang University, China
■ CAMPUS ASIA Exchange Program Offers
A. Program - 1 or 2 semester(s) of exchange program including summer and winter programs - Short-term exchange program less than one month (Joint Workshops, Seminars, Intensive Programs, etc.)
B. Expenses and Scholarship
- Tuition is waived based on a mutual tuition waiver agreement
- Monthly stipend of 800,000 KRW for undergraduate students and 900,000 KRW for graduate students will be provided (Incoming students to Yonsei University only)
C. Orientation and Arrival - A comprehensive required orientation is provided to all incoming exchange students that will include sessions on immigration, Korean classroom culture, academic integrity, support services at Yonsei, and social activities with other exchange and international students. - Yonsei University offers a free bus service from Inchon International Airport for all incoming international students.
D. Korean Language Course | http://yiec.yonsei.ac.kr/ The International Education Center is designed to give students the chance to learn the Korean language and culture while enhancing their understanding about Korea. Yonsei University has been working towards this goal since its foundation in 1959 and has become one of the most important and useful institutes in the field. Each term lasts for 10 weeks, and students attend classes for 4 hours, 5 days a week. The Regular Program includes levels 1 through 6, all of which can be completed in a year and a half.
■ Exchange Program Contact Information
Siwoo Kim | Coordinator
E-mail: campusasaia.yonsei@gmail.com
Phone: +82-033-760-2745
■ 2018 Academic Calendar and Application Deadline
A. Spring Semester Nomination Deadline : October 31 Application Deadline : November 30
Dormitory Check-in & Pick Up Day : February 27 Orientation : February 28 Classes : March 2 ~ June 21 Final Exam : June 11 ~ June 22
B. Fall Semester Nomination Deadline : April 30 Application Deadline : May 30 Dormitory Check-in & Pick Up Day : August 30 Orientation : August 31 Classes : September 3 ~ December 21 Final Exam : December 10 ~ December 21
■ Yonsei University | www.yonsei.ac.kr
The history of Yonsei University began on April 10th, 1885, as Korea’s first modern hospital "Gwanghyewon." Gwanghyewon was established by a medical missionary, Horace N. Allen. Prior to opening, missionary Horace G. Underwood visited Korea, assisting in medical treatment at Chejungwon while starting his work in education and missionary activities. These two missionaries' work that is based in Chejungwon has become the foundation of Yonsei. Since then, works related to medicine were institutionalized to become what was initially the Severance Medical College and later Severance Hospital and Severance Medical School. Meanwhile, in education, what was initially known as Underwood School, Gyeongsin School, and later Yonhi College became Yonhi University. In 1957, Yonhi University and Severance Medical School merged to become Yonsei University. After the merging, Yonsei University grew to become one of the best universities in Korea. It became the driving force behind Korea’s economic and political growth, and it also continues to spearhead university education and research. This Yonsei spirit and academic tradition also took roots in Wonju. First opened as the Wonju Campus Medical School in 1978, it expanded to establish itself as a university, and it grew into one of Gangwon region’s leading campuses since moving to Maeji-ri in 1984. The opening of an international campus in Songdo, Incheon, in 2010 was the first step for Yonsei University to become a world-class education and research powerhouse. Through decentralization and collaboration among its campuses (Sinchon, Health System, Wonju, International), Yonsei is committed to contributing to the development of mankind and society by leading creative changes and to build a new history.
■ Division of Design & Art | yd.yonsei.ac.kr
Yonsei University Division of Design and Art is leading the design education by understanding the cultural and industrial paradigm of the rapidly changing era and researching new trends and applying holistic design solutions in order to solve diverse design problems. The division runs three major tracks: Industrial Design Track, Visual Communication Design Track, and Digital Art Track. Each track has an educational goal towards enhancing the professional expertise as well as providing outstanding and distinguishing design education and research opportunities through interdisciplinary studies between the tracks.